Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Quick Facts!

What's the purpose of Quinceanera's people may ask. A Quinceanera is when A girl changes and transitions from childhood to womanhood. This is probably the most  important thing in a hispanic culture not  only for the girl. Is important to the whole family! In the a Quinceanera there is always a 15 year old girl with and elegant dress or simple one. There is also young men and woman who will be the chambelanes and damas of the quinceanera. The chambelanes are in their tuxes and the damas in simple dresses that may be the color of the young beautiful quinceanera. The damas and chambelanes will participate in a waltz! They all had to prepare and practive for it which may takes months or even a year! A Quinceanera must plan her Quince early at the age of  14!Look at this website for information or even planning! :D >>>>>>>>>>>>  http://www.quinceanerasite.com/