Thursday, April 19, 2012

La Ultima Muneca

La Ultima Muneca ,also known as the last doll, is given to the quinceanera by her parents or godparents. This symbolizes she will be leaving her childhood behind. This will be her last doll she will receive since she is growing up to be a young lady. She will leave all those toys and dolls behind in her childhood.When she is given her last doll, she will most likely dance with it remembering her last doll. There are different kind of dolls. The most used is the porcelain doll. The doll will more likely be dressed similar to the quinceanera. There are people who use other dolls other than porcelain dolls. Some use barbies or even yarn dolls but the porcelain dolls are more popular today.


  1. Now i know what it means ...

  2. this is cool to .i will like to have 15 to

  3. i like that the doll and the girl have the same details. it is great. it makes me feel like getting a doll
    your blog is cool it helps girls in need of an idea.

  4. i like how you talk about her grandparents giving her that doll nd that she dances with it.
